Thursday, August 28, 2014

Lab:Finding a Relationship Between Mass and Period for an Inertial Balanc

Lab:Finding a Relationship Between Mass and Period for an Inertial Balance
Purpose: To find a relationship between mass and period for an inertial balance
Data collection

        We set up the apparatus as the pictures show. Record the period with the mass on the tray, which range from 0g to 800g, by adding 100g each time. Also, record the period with the wood and wallet on the tray.
        We put our data in excel and get the calculated column lnT and ln(m+Mtray). By adjusting the parameter of Mtray,we get a linear equation from these two column.

        By comparing the equation with the lnT=n ln(m+Mtray)+lnA, we can get n, A and Mtray. Therefore, when we plug in the period of the unknown mass, we can calculate the mass of  the object.
      By collecting the period of a set of known mass, we can find the relationship between mass and period for an inertial balance, and use the equation to determine the mass of a object using the period for an inertial balance.