Monday, October 6, 2014

Lab: Finding the power of the work

Lab: Finding the power of the work

Learn about how to calculate the work and power by measuring the force, distance and time.

Mass, pulley, string, timer

Part 1:
1. Each person walk and run up the stairs and measure both the time t to get to the second floor.
2. Count how many stairs are there.
3. Measure how high is each stair.
4. Calculate the height that the person travel.
5. Use W= mgh to calculate the work done by person against the gravity.
6. Use P=W/t to calculate the power of the work.

Part 2:
1. Set up the pulley system on the second floor.
2. One person stands on the first floor and pull the backpack with a mass, the other person stand on the second floor and record the time it takes for the backpack being pulled up to the second floor.
3. Record the weight of the mass.
4. Use W= mgh to calculate the work done by the person against the gravity.
5. Use P=W/t to calculate the power of the work.


Part 1: 
W=3032.12J, Pwalk=216.27W, Prun=489W

Part 2:
W=389.87J, P=97.46W

We learn about how to calculate the work and power by measuring the force, distance and time.

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