Monday, October 13, 2014

Lab: Verification of conservation of energy

Lab: Verification of Conservation of Energy

Use the spring and hanging mass to verify the conservation of energy.

Equipment: Spring, Hanging Mass, motion sensor

1. Set up the apparatus as pictures show
2. Measure the length of the spring without hanging mass Lo.
3. Hang a known mass on the spring, measure the length of springL.
4. Calculate the spring constant k by the equation mg=k(L-Lo).
5. Derive the formula for the kinetic energy of mass, gravitational potential energy of mass, elastic potential energy of the spring, gravitational potential energy of the spring, and kinetic energy of the spring.
6. Pull down the mass with certain distance, release the mass and record the motion of the mass.
7. Add new calculated column for kinetic energy of mass, gravitational potential energy of mass, elastic potential energy of the spring, gravitational potential energy of the spring, and kinetic energy of the spring.
8. Add new calculated column named total energy as the sum of all calculated energy.
9. Graph all calculated energy and total energy in the same graph.



The total energy is around a constant, therefore the energy of the system is conserved.

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