Sunday, November 23, 2014

Lab: finding the moment of inertia of a uniform triangle about its center of mass

Lab: finding the moment of inertia of a uniform triangle about its center of mass

Determine the moment of inertia of a uniform triangle about its center of mass

Disk, holder, triangle, hanging mass, string, sensor.

1. Set up the apparatus as the pictures show.
2. Turn on the air and let the hanging mass, tie the hanging mass with the disk without the triangle.
3. Let go the hanging mass, take the average angular acceleration of descending and ascending.
4. Put the triangle horizontally on the holder, and repeat step three.
5. Put the triangle vertically on the holder, and repeat step three.
6. Based on the hanging mass and the angular acceleration, calculate the moment of inertia of each situation, and use the inertia with triangle subtract the one without triangle to get the inertia of triangle alone.
7. Measure the length and the height of the triangle and calculate the moment of inertia of each situation.
8. Compare the theoretical value to actual value.

method 1
method 2

calculation based on the actual angular acceleration:

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