Sunday, November 2, 2014

Verification the relationship of Impulse and momentum

Verification the relationship of Impulse and momentum

Through the bounce of the cart, verify the relationship of Impulse and change of momentum.

track, cart, force sensor, motion sensor, and mass.

Part One:
1. Set up the apparatus as the pictures show.
2. Measure the weight of the cart and the force sensor.
3. Give the cart with the force sensor a initial velocity and let the force sensor bounce upon the other cart.
4. Record the motion and the force.
5 Integrate the force that the cart received and examine the velocity right before the collision and after the collision.

 Part Two:
1. Set up the apparatus as the pictures show.
2. Measure the weight of the cart with the force sensor and the mass.
3. Give the cart with the force sensor a initial velocity and let the force sensor bounce upon the other cart.
4. Record the motion and the force.
5 Integrate the force that the cart received and examine the velocity right before the collision and after the collision.
 Part Three:
1. Set up the apparatus as the pictures show.
2. Put a nail in front of the cart and stick a clay at the same height of the nail on the other side of the track.
3. Measure the weight of the cart with the force sensor and the nail.
3. Give the cart with the force sensor a initial velocity and let the force sensor bounce upon the other cart.
4. Record the motion and the force.
5 Integrate the force that the cart received and examine the velocity right before the collision and after the collision.


We verify the relationship of Impulse and change of momentum J=F*t=delta p= m(Vf-Vi)

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